Playing Out - Children and young people's activities

What we do

Sessions are FREE.
Sessions are facilitated by the play development team, who have a variety of items of equipment on offer. The sessions are child led, so they choose what they want to do, or what equipment they use. Sessions are a great social opportunity for parents and children.
Come and join us in the park to get wet, messy, have fun and make lots of friends!

Who do we support

Play sessions for children and young people aged 5 - 15. Children under 5 are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If you or your child have any additional requirements please let us know so we can make every effort to make the sessions accessible for you.

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Service details for this children and young people's activities

Language: Bilingual

  • Can support children with disabilities / additional needs? Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes

Contact methods

Social media
