PLANT - Conwy Home Education support - Children and young people's activities

What we do

PLANT is a home education charity based in Conwy County that supports home educating families. We run a weekly group in Llandudno Junction on a Monday.
We also have a private Facebook group for home educating families in Conwy county and surrounding areas.
Please contact us for the link.

Who do we support

Home educating families

Is there a charge to use this service?

Depends - £3.50 voluntary donation to attend our weekly group

Can anyone use this service?

All home educating families or those wanting more information on home education.

Service details for this children and young people's activities

Language: Bilingual

  • Can support children with disabilities / additional needs? Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further. The PLANT weekly group is run by parent volunteers - all parents are responsible for their own children.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? No

Contact methods

Social media


 Opening times

You can contact our Facebook page or email at any time.
Our weekly group meets every Monday (excluding bank holidays) between 11am and 2pm.