Achievement for All - Family support services

What we do

The Achievement For All service includes:
- Inclusion Service
- Complex Needs Assessment and Liaison Service
- Statutory Assessment Team
- Management of Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN), including SEN transport
- Management and co-ordination of the difficult to engage pupils including excluded pupils
- Management of young persons employment and performing licences
- Educational Psychology Service
- Safeguarding, Learning Support and Wellbeing Service
- Behaviour and Attendance Service

Who do we support

Children and young people from 0 - 19 years

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Referral From School

Service details for this family support services

Language: Bilingual

  • Can provide specialist support for families of children with disabilities / additional needs Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes


 You can send post here:

Achievement for All
3rd Floor Civic Offices
CF63 4RU


 Opening times

Monday to Thursday 08:30am - 5pm, Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm