Royal Society for Blind Children - Family support services

What we do

For over 150 years The Royal Society for Blind Children (formerly known as The Royal Blind Society) has been helping blind children and young people (age 0 – 25) live a life without limits. Our qualified and experienced Family Practitioners provide support to children, young people, and families throughout Wales, who are affected by sight loss. We offer therapeutic support to empower young people and their families to develop resilience and coping skills to achieve their potential and meet their goals. From the moment a family hears the news; we can be on hand with practical and emotional support to guide them through their journey.

Who do we support

The Families First Service supports children and young people 0-25 years old who have been diagnosed with a serious eye condition, and their family. We can also support those whose sight is starting to deteriorate. Some children may have sight loss as their only condition; others may have sight loss as part of other additional needs.

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Anyone can contact us directly.

Service details for this family support services

Language: English only

  • Can provide specialist support for families of children with disabilities / additional needs Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes


 You can send post here:

Life Without Limits Centre
10 Lower Thames St

Contact methods

Social media


 Opening times

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm